Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Three In Progress

I have been working on three large drawings for some time.  I was hoping to have them wrapped up  but I had to spend quite a few days in the hospital with pnuemonia putting me back a few weeks.  I have been taking some time off of studio work to recover. 
This shows the early development of the drawings.  I compose them on tracing paper and then transfer the image to rag paper once the composition settled.
I have been working on these drawings together hoping that they would show some sort of unity in thought and process.  They are all related through the narrative. 
They are works in progess, but coming along.  They are brighter than I usually work and make me a little uncomfortable.  I like to push the drawings into unknown territory because at least I know I am pressing myself.  Whether they turn out is another story, but the uncertainty is good.