Sunday, September 7, 2008

Getting Ready for an Exhibition

Example of wall groupings made up of thumbnail images of drawings for upcoming show.
I have been thinking of ways of installing Deep Breath, Drawings to Benefit Lung Health. It seemed like an overwhelming task to decide on grouping and placement of the drawings. I decided to print thumbnail images of each drawing that will be in the show, then tape them together on a larger piece of paper. This has allowed me to expand my thinking about the space and how each image works with one another. This was a very basic, hands on process; made possible with some scissors and a little scotch tape.
This week I will be installing my drawings at the Anton Art Center for the opening on Friday, Sept. 12, 2008. I will soon find out if this preparation process will speed up the hanging time.


pamela said...

beautiful beautiful work. i'm glad you are making the artist/mom thing work - i know what a huge challenge that is.

**and the hair loss thing. i can't imagine how difficult that would be.

Kathryn said...

I am just sick that we live so far away and cannot be at your show. Have Ryan video it. That way we can get a feel for how you have shown your beautiful work. You amaze me! I cannot even imagine how someone can draw like you do. Our thoughts will be with you. We will be there in spirit.